April 2014

Inclusion in this calendar is NOT a guarantee of quality. If we think something is extremely likely to be worth your time, then we will put one or more little “thumbs up” icons next to it. We a) are maybe prejudiced about some groups b) have specific criteria about usefulness and c) could be wrong.


Thurs 24th Feeding Manchester 15 at the Briton’s Protection pub

Sat 26th Chorlton Big Green Happening


Sat 26th April, 10 to 5pm   “So, what has your group achieved? Free workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation for climate community groups,”  Anthony Burgess Foundation.

The workshop aims to support your group to find appropriate tools and processes so you can:
·         Better understand what works and what doesn’t;
·         Generate data that will help you to create better reports for funders and other stakeholders;
·         Get a chance  to trial a range of resources that will enable your group to self-monitor and evaluate your activities;
·         Inform your next steps in whatever project or initiative you are working in;
·         Respond to those queries of ‘so what has your group actually achieved?’

These workshops will be fun, interactive days where you can meet people doing similar work to you.  They are a central part of the Oxford-based knowledge exchange project called ‘Monitoring and Evaluation for Sustainable Communities’ (see URL below), in partnership with Low Carbon Communities Network and the Transition Network.

We are particularly keen to attract participants who can trial some of the tools and processes over the six months after the workshops. Taking part in this trial will mean you be asked to provide some feedback and reflection on your experiences. In exchange you will receive support and advice from the project team, as well as modest financial and material resources.

Workshops begin at 10am and finish at 5 pm. We can reimburse reasonable travel costs. All workshops and refreshments are free to enrolled participants, but advance booking is essential.

To register or for more information: email kersty.hobson@ouce.ox.ac.uk

For further information about the project: http://www.geog.ox.ac.uk/research/technologies/projects/mesc/

Been and gone

Events, dear boy, events.

Weds 2nd, 6pm to 8pm In Place of Pay Equality A participative event to launch our report with Equality NW on pay inequality in Greater Manchester councils and their potential for exerting leverage on pay equality in the local economy.
“It is rigorous, highlights important info well, well written and theoretically ground-breaking in terms of bringing together SSE, social value and equity issues.”
Details and downloads here: http://steadystatemanchester.net/2014/03/12/a-diary-date-in-place-of-pay-inequality-2-april/
Please book via event bright here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/in-place-of-pay-inequality-tickets-10931828393

Tues 8th, 6.45pm to 9pm Manchester Friends of the Earth Full Group Meeting, Greenfish Resource Centre, Oldham St. http://manchesterfoe.org.uk/

Tuesday 8 April, 6-8pm,  Can Manchester become a cycling city?
cities@manchester Urban Forum International Anthony Burgess Foundation 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester, M1 5BY

Thurs 10th 6pm for 6.30pm to 8pm, “No more cold homes”
Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD

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