Strategic Plan part 6 – success metrics

6.Success metrics
How can we tell if we are “winning”? Well, our outputs will be relatively easily measured. Outcomes? Not so much. We welcome anyone’s ideas on how this can be done.

6.1 Our outputs

MCMonthly comes out on the first Monday of every month.
No tpyos
Readable by the average 12 year old
Clear in what readers can do to get involved in the existing campaigns, how they can help MCFly

Our website has a minimum of two stories a week, with a mix of news and puff-pieces
Wordpress (average of 500 hits per week – 70 per day) by March 2012. Average of 700 hits per week by September 2012, maintained until December 2013.
Comments per week (not including MCFly replies) – 5 per week by June 2012. 8 per week by December 2012
(See the thing about “9 social media metrics to look at”)

Twenty-four brief youtube videos made and uploaded in 2012, (this target includes monthly “This month in MCFly” videos)
Video news reports uploaded within half an hour of the completion of specific meeting , (with a stand-up outside Manchester Town Hall, by Arwa Aburawa!)

Workshops delivered on following topics –
the Climate Change Action Plan
on the culture of meetings
the typical trajectory of community and campaigning groups
the impacts of climate change in Greater Manchester and beyond
Freedom of Information Act Requests – how, when, why etc
other workshops as requested/suggested

Audit culture
A monthly “Gender, Race, Class, Geography” audit will be conducted and published on the website, with recommendations as to how to improve. Ideas and comments will always be welcomed.
Questions will include – Who is writing for MCFly? What stories are we covering? Who is being quoted? What areas are being covered? Is it all Chorlton and Didsbury, or do we also talk about Harpurhey, Gorton etc.
Part of this will be a reflection of the heavily male culture of many of the official groups that we cover (the Executive of Manchester City Council is currently 8 to 1 male, for example), but this reason can easily slide into an excuse…

6.2 Not that we have any direct control over the Council, but…
A change in the culture of overview and scrutiny committee meetings so that
all reports contain a section on “goals that have not been met” and “challenges for the future”
the direct questions of elected members are met with simple direct answers that do not waffle instead of simply saying “We don’t know” or “No” or “Yes” or “I don’t actually have the information to hand, councillor – I will get back to you.”
relevant climate reports are uploaded as b
climate change as a regular (quarterly) item on the agenda of full Council and of the Executive.
All overview and scrutiny committees have considered climate change impacts within their area by the end of 2012

The Executive Member for the Environment blogs about upcoming and recently passed events (see

The ESPB publishes its minutes in a timely fashion so that they are available for all – including members of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees – to see.

The Environmental Advisory Panel either becomes the “critical friend” it was ostensibly set up to be, with oversight function over the ESPB, or else it disbands.

7. Funding

Money is nice, not essential. We won’t take money from anyone we might conceivably want to report on. That would be messy. For more details, see our “funding” page”

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