It’s what they DON’T say that matters #94. Missing #Manchester #climate goal on #MCC website.

The Manchester Climate Change Action Plan (also known as “A Cre.. Certain Future”) has two headline goals.  The first is to reduce carbon emissions by 41% by 2020.  This was what the science was saying we needed to do back in 2009, when the Action Plan was written.  The science has moved on, but that goal remains the same. (1)

The second goal was even more ambitious – and some people, including one who will sadly be leaving us soon – think that it’s more important.  And what is that goal?  Drum roll please…

To engage all individuals, neighbourhoods and organisations in Manchester in a process of cultural change that embeds ‘low carbon thinking’ into the lifestyles and operations of the city. To create a ‘low carbon culture’ we need to build a common understanding of the causes and implications of climate change, and to develop programmes of ‘carbon literacy’ and ‘carbon accounting’ so that new culture can become part of the daily lives of all individuals and organisations. Every one of the actions in our plan will contribute in some way to the development of ‘carbon literacy’ in the city. However, achieving a new low carbon culture – where thinking about counting carbon is embedded and routine – can only be delivered as a
result of all the actions together, in an overall co-ordinated manner. Enabling a low carbon culture in the city will be particularly important if the challenge of meeting even more demanding carbon reduction targets between 2020 and 2050 is to be met.”

So, can anyone spot mention of that second goal in the following screengrab from the Council’s own website?  What a curious omission.



(1) So much for a “refresh”, eh? #epicfail

About manchesterclimatemonthly

Was print format from 2012 to 13. Now web only. All things climate and resilience in (Greater) Manchester.
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